ClicPic Online uses your presized and hosted images to quickly create photo gallery code.
Many formats. Click this one - it works!
Pretty Borders
Make pretty auction borders using any color or texture.
Since you create them, no two are alike. Or try ...
Pretty Borders Plus!
and make a complete auction template with Pretty Borders!
Clicky Buttons
Create your own clickable buttons and text menus. No buttons or image hosting required, since the basic buttons use plain text. The text can be encoded to avoid keyword-spamming, so you can safely use them in your auctions. Use the picture option to convert your thumbnails into a cross-sell gallery.
Are you using Photobucket as your image host?
Easily drop photos into this template maker and generate
a beautiful click gallery with your choice of colors.
Practice away at your HTML. Use the starter codes and HTML buttons to jumpstart your template code.
Handy find/replace function and color palette for modifying templates.
Built in code scanner can help locate some code problems.
Preview and save your code to a file on your own computer.
ClicPic Deluxe
Display any number of online photos in an organized gallery with borders, bevels, shadows, and custom colors.
Paste a whole block of image codes and use the visual interface to design your gallery.
Online Editor
Don't have access to eBay's fancy listing editor?
This online WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor looks a lot like eBay's editor or a standard "Word" editor.
Use it to make pretty listings from scratch or to add pictures and
change text in your premade templates. The editor will generate the HTML code for you.
XSellX Gallery
Create static or scrolling cross-sell galleries to display listings you choose.
Free version or Member version.
Or try
to use your own thumbnails and links for your store categories.
Organizer Template
Organize your listing in any color with this flexible template builder.
Up to eight different types of sections provide one, two, or three columns for description and terms.
Photo gallery, specification table, and grid of details are also available.
Photo Stitcher
Have tall skinny items to display? Combine 2 or 3 views into one square image
for a better presentation in eBay's gallery. Or combine up to nine photos to show multiple choices. Many formats available or make your own.
Rotate, Resize, Crop, and Watermark your photos with your seller name or logo image. Optional fuzzy edge treatments.
Batch Watermarker Work on 12 photos at once (enough for one eBay listing) and save them all to a zip file at the size you specify.
Photo Glow
Pizzaz your photos. Make composites with highlights or insets.
Crop and resize images and apply feathered border and shadows. Watermark too.
Q*sell Gallery
Create a QuickSell grid from your most recent auctions for your blog or website.
Free or Member Non-keyword spamming versions for your auction or eBay store.
The Shadow
Create drop-shadows for your self-hosted images using HTML. No need to photoshop your images. The color tool blends your shadows into your page color. Totally cool!
Designer Menu Maker
Quickly create complex dropdown or flyout menus.
Paste your spreadsheet data or use the input boxes to add links and captions for your menu.
Popup Viewer
Click your thumbnails to open larger photos
in a Popup Window within your auction page.
The captioned window may be dragged around, and the
photo can be zoomed larger or smaller for comfortable viewing.
Image Mapper
Add clickable areas to an image to create menus and navigation bars. Simple tool creates a clickable map from your existing online image. There are three clickable areas on this image.
Image Magnifier
Were there times you wished you could magnify those tiny objects like coins and pins?
Your customers may feel the same way.
Mouse over image to see the magnifier.
Charts & Tables
Quickly generate "size" and "specification" charts with any colors and borders.
A |
B |
C |
color |
red |
green |
blue |
weight |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Colors & Blends
This is the complete list of Internet colors and names, and you will also find a nifty color blending tool for in-between colors and for creating gradient borders.
Create a virtual room to hang your art and paintings in an eBay auction.
Rearrange a room full of elements and change the wall colors.
Your artwork will be scaled to fit the room. Or try
ArtRoom Lite
auction template creator with premade walls for smaller artwork from 12-24 inches wide.

Item: bambi type: china |

Item: ducks type: ceramic |
Convert spreadsheet data and images into a tidy array of boxes.
Makes a great display of your product lineup.
Quick Linker
Don't know the codes for making links?
This tool will make the code and show you all the different ways.
Just add your destination URL and your prompt text or thumbnail.
Quick Buttons
Make pretty CSS Quicky Buttons for many eBay destinations.
Just add your eBay ID or store name and choose your style and color.
Use the buttons on auctions, blogs, and websites.
YouTube Embed Code
Convert Youtube iframe code, a YouTube page link, or a simple YouTube video number into eBay-compliant embed code. Same as YouTube "Old Code".
Carousel Spinner
Display a 360° view of your item that spins when moused over.
Shoot eight sides of your item and host the photos online.
This tool will create the code to rotate through your photos.
Photo Slideshows
Need a small animation script to display a group of photos in your eBay description?
Try these 12 simple javascript codes to automatically Fade... Slide... Flip... Shrink... Scroll... and more...
eBay Search Box
Create a search box of your listings or store items.
Make a simple search box or use the tool to define complex
search phrases that are hidden from the user.
Automatically make tabbed content arranged in index card format.
Select any color and an optional tab shape.
Extract eBay Photos
Extract all of your eBay hosted photos from the top of the listing
and print, save, or use them in your description. Several size options and clickable thumbnails.
eBay photos big enough?
Scan up to 10,000 active listings or ended listings for size compliance. Tool will create enlargements for you.
Or check all photos within a single listing.
Image Extractor
Makes image codes. Dual purpose tool can:
1. Help you find the right URL to use when your image host presents you with too many options.
2. Pull all your images out of a webpage to make it easier to find or replace an image.
The encryptor will help you hide your source code or can be used to convert text buttons or drop-down lists to non-keyword spamming scripts.
No-Right-Click script for image protection won't interfere with navigation.
Concho_softie's script can be added to the bottom of your auction
to protect images hosted on eBay or on your own image host.
Replace your self-hosted image code in your description with a simple coverup code.
Link Shrinker for shorter eBay Auction, Guide, and Store URLs
Paste a long eBay listing, guide, or store category URL into the slot and click the button to generate a shorter link.
Go directly to the source of an item description.
HTML Mini Practice (click to open tips)
eBay code limits (bytes):
| |
Auctions = 500,000 (SYI3 editor)
Inserts = 1000 (TL2) & 4000 (SYI3)
| |
About ME = 98,304 (96K)
Forums/Groups = 65,534 (64K)
| |
Guides = 20,000
Groups URL = 79
Some Sample Tags (more tags are in the help sites below) |
<br> (break to next line)
<br><br> (double-spaced line)
<hr> (horizontal rule - a line across the page)
<p align=left>new paragraph</p>
<big>bigger text</big>
<big><big>even bigger </big></big>
<small>smaller text</small>
<center>center text or image</center>
<font color=red>colored text</font>
<li>a bulleted list item</li>
<center><font color=blue><big><b> big blue bold centered text </b></big></font></center>
<img src=""> (display a hosted image)
<a href="">Click this link</a>
clickable image button:
<a href=""><img src="" border=0></a>
click-to-enlarge photo:
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=30 border=0 bgcolor=tan><tr><td>
...description inside a colored table background...
A CSS style can be added to almost any tag. Here is a style with a number of example settings shown inside a P tag.
<p style=" font-family : comic sans ms , arial ; font-size : 14px ; color : red ; background-color : #ffddcc ; " > text </p>
0 Paste or type your HTML code below and click Preview to see the results.
Your results will appear here...